Chocolate Souffle with Vanilla Cream

Chocolate Souffle with Vanilla Cream is a Mediterranean side dish. This recipe serves 4 and costs 75 cents per serving.

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Simple Whole Wheat Crepes

Simple Whole Wheat Crepes might be just the side dish you are searching for. For 54 cents per serving, this recipe cover

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Gluten-Free Crustless Quiche

Gluten-Free Crustless Quiche takes about 45 minutes from beginning to end. One portion of this dish contains around 7g o

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French Onion Soup with Bagel Bread Pudding Croutons

The recipe French Onion Soup with Bagel Bread Pudding Croutons could satisfy your Mediterranean craving in roughly 4 hou

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Quiche Valerie

Quiche Valerie is a Mediterranean recipe that serves 8. For $1.41 per serving, this recipe covers 18% of your daily requ

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Baked Ratatouille

Baked Ratatouille could be just the gluten free, lacto ovo vegetarian, and primal recipe you've been looking for. This r

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Spinach & Ham Quiche

Spinach & Ham Quiche might be just the hor d'oeuvre you are searching for. One serving contains 305 calories, 10g of pro

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Ratatouille With Brie

Ratatouille With Brie is a Mediterranean recipe that serves 4. One portion of this dish contains around 14g of protein,

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Food Trivia

There is an amusement park in Tokyo that offers Raw Horse Flesh-flavored ice cream.

Food Joke

Halloween Funnies II What monster flies his kite in a rain storm? Benjamin Frankenstein What do ghosts serve for dessert? Ice Scream What's a monsters favorite play? Romeo and Ghouliet What do witches put on their hair? Scare spray What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? Bamboo What's a haunted chicken? A poultry-geist How can you tell when you're in bed with Count Dracula?- He has a big D on his pajamas.

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