Teriyaki chicken meatballs with rice & greens

Teriyaki chicken meatballs with rice & greens is a gluten free and dairy free recipe with 4 servings. For $2.78 per serving, this recipe covers 23% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. One portion of this dish contains approximately 33g of protein, 4g of fat, and a total of 429 calories. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 25 minutes. 264 people were glad they tried this recipe. Head to the store and pick up basmati rice, carrot, soy sauce, and a few other things to make it today. Many people really liked this Japanese dish. It works well as a main course. It is brought to you by BBC Good Food. Overall, this recipe earns an amazing spoonacular score of 81%. Try Chicken Teriyaki Meatballs, Chicken Teriyaki Meatballs, and Baked Teriyaki Chicken Meatballs for similar recipes.

Servings: 4

Preparation duration: 15 minutes

Cooking duration: 10 minutes



200g basmati rice

1 carrot, cut into chunks

200g spring greens, chopped

zest and juice 1 lemon

100ml mirin

2 shallots

500g boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs, cut into chunks

3 tbsp soy sauce

3 tbsp caster sugar

a little oil



baking pan

sauce pan

Cooking instruction summary:

Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.Pulse the shallots and carrot in a foodprocessor until finely chopped. Add thechicken, lemon zest and some seasoning,and pulse again until mixed. Using oiledhands, shape into small meatballs.Put on a baking tray lined with bakingparchment and bake for 10 mins untilbrowned and cooked through.Meanwhile, boil the rice following packinstructions, adding the spring greens forthe final 4 mins. Drain well.Add the mirin, soy, lemon juice andsugar to a saucepan. Bring to the boil,then simmer until saucy. Remove fromthe heat, add the meatballs to the panand roll them around in the sauce. Dividethe rice and greens between plates orbowls and spoon the meatballs over.


Step by step:

1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.Pulse the shallots and carrot in a foodprocessor until finely chopped.

2. Add thechicken, lemon zest and some seasoning,and pulse again until mixed. Using oiledhands, shape into small meatballs.Put on a baking tray lined with bakingparchment and bake for 10 mins untilbrowned and cooked through.Meanwhile, boil the rice following packinstructions, adding the spring greens forthe final 4 mins.

3. Drain well.

4. Add the mirin, soy, lemon juice andsugar to a saucepan. Bring to the boil,then simmer until saucy.

5. Remove fromthe heat, add the meatballs to the panand roll them around in the sauce. Dividethe rice and greens between plates orbowls and spoon the meatballs over.

Nutrition Information:


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Food Trivia

Coconut water can be used (in emergencies) as a substitute for blood plasma.

Food Joke

How rich is rich? The story is told that Lord Rothschild and Sir Isaac Wolfson met one day in the City. During a pleasant conversation, they decided to treat themselves each to a new Rolls Royce and so they took a taxi to the nearest RR showroom. When they got there, they both fell in love with the same pale blue Rolls Royce Ecstasy on display. But there was only one of these cars in the showroom. The sales manager heard what was going on and said to the two famous millionaires, “It’s not a problem, gentlemen. If you both want one, I can get another pale blue Ecstasy from our other branch here within 45 minutes.” “OK,” said Lord Rothschild, “get it. In the meantime, we’re going for a coffee.” When they returned to the showroom, there stood two beautiful, gleaming, pale blue Rolls Royce Ecstasy saloons. Sir Isaac took out his chequebook but before he could open it, Lord Rothschild waved it away and said, “I wouldn’t hear of it, my dear fellow. These are on me – you paid for the coffees.

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