Frozen cheesecake with Baileys & chocolate

The recipe Frozen cheesecake with Baileys & chocolate can be made in around 3 hours and 30 minutes. One portion of this dish contains approximately 15g of protein, 50g of fat, and a total of 609 calories. For $1.08 per serving, this recipe covers 10% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe serves 10. 1005 people have tried and liked this recipe. It is brought to you by BBC Good Food. A mixture of sugar, digestive biscuits, vanillan ice cream, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so delicious. With a spoonacular score of 39%, this dish is rather bad. Users who liked this recipe also liked Dark Shadows Baileys Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies, Baileys Chocolate Pudding with Baileys Whipped Cream, and Baileys cheesecake.

Servings: 10

Preparation duration: 25 minutes

Cooking duration: 5 minutes



500g soft cheese

2 x 250g packs digestive biscuits

200ml double cream

dark or milk chocolate, grated

50ml shot espresso, or strong coffee, cooled

100g caster sugar

250g unsalted butter

500g tub vanilla ice cream, softened

200ml Baileys



frying pan

Cooking instruction summary:

Gently melt the butter in a pan ormicrowave. Put all the biscuits in a foodprocessor and pulse until crumbled, butnot too fine (or double-bag and bash witha rolling pan). Stir butter into the crumbs.Take the base out of a 20cm loosebottomedor spring-form tin and linewith a large sheet of cling film to comeup the sides, before you put the base back in. Line the base with a circle ofbaking parchment. Tip in the crumbmixture and press down firmly andevenly on the base and up the sides.Freeze to set while you make the filling.Beat the soft cheese with an electricwhisk in a large bowl until nice and soft,then add the cream and sugar and beatuntil smooth and creamy. Put the icecream into your largest bowl and fold inthe soft cheese mixture, bit-by-bit, withthe Baileys and coffee until smooth. Tipinto the prepared tin, cover with morecling film and place into the freezer.Freeze for 3 hrs, or up to a month.Bring the cheesecake out of thefreezer 20 mins before serving. Lift outof the tin, using the cling film to help you,and top with grated chocolate to serve.


Step by step:

1. Gently melt the butter in a pan ormicrowave. Put all the biscuits in a foodprocessor and pulse until crumbled, butnot too fine (or double-bag and bash witha rolling pan). Stir butter into the crumbs.Take the base out of a 20cm loosebottomedor spring-form tin and linewith a large sheet of cling film to comeup the sides, before you put the base back in. Line the base with a circle ofbaking parchment. Tip in the crumbmixture and press down firmly andevenly on the base and up the sides.Freeze to set while you make the filling.Beat the soft cheese with an electricwhisk in a large bowl until nice and soft,then add the cream and sugar and beatuntil smooth and creamy.

2. Put the icecream into your largest bowl and fold inthe soft cheese mixture, bit-by-bit, withthe Baileys and coffee until smooth. Tipinto the prepared tin, cover with morecling film and place into the freezer.Freeze for 3 hrs, or up to a month.Bring the cheesecake out of thefreezer 20 mins before serving. Lift outof the tin, using the cling film to help you,and top with grated chocolate to serve.

Nutrition Information:


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