Apricot & orange blossom jam

Apricot & orange blossom jam requires approximately 1 hour and 5 minutes from start to finish. This hor d'oeuvre has 85 calories, 0g of protein, and 0g of fat per serving. For 15 cents per serving, this recipe covers 1% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe serves 40. 41 person have made this recipe and would make it again. Head to the store and pick up apricots, juice of lemon, sugar, and a few other things to make it today. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free, dairy free, lacto ovo vegetarian, and vegan diet. It is brought to you by BBC Good Food. With a spoonacular score of 9%, this dish is improvable. Similar recipes include Apricot Orange Almond Jam, Sugarplum-orange And Apricot-earl Grey Jam Tarts, and Mango And Orange Blossom Pudding, Orange Polenta Biscuits.

Servings: 40

Preparation duration: 45 minutes

Cooking duration: 20 minutes



1kg apricots, halved and stoned, larger halves halved again

juice 1 lemon

1 tbsp orange blossom water

750g preserving sugar


frying pan

Cooking instruction summary:

Mix the apricots and sugar together,cover and leave to stand overnight.Put a saucer in the freezer. Tip thesyrupy apricots into a preserving pan ora large, wide-based pan (the wider andmore open the pan, the faster the jamwill be ready, so a preserving pan isideal). Add the lemon juice and placeover a gentle heat. Once any last bits ofsugar have melted, turn up the heat andboil for 15 mins. Turn off the heat andspoon a little hot syrupy jam onto thecold saucer. Once cool, push the jam withyour finger. If it wrinkles a little, it’s readyand has reached setting point. If it is toorunny to wrinkle, return the pan tothe heat and boil in stages of 2-3 mins,removing the pan from the heat eachtime you do the saucer check, untilthe jam wrinkles.Skim the surface, then stir in theorange blossom and knobs of butter,if you like – this will help to dissolveany remaining scum. Leave the jam for15 mins before ladling into sterilised jars(see tip, below) – this allows the fruit tosettle so it doesn’t sink to the bottom.Will keep in the fridge for 6 weeks.


Step by step:

1. Mix the apricots and sugar together,cover and leave to stand overnight.Put a saucer in the freezer. Tip thesyrupy apricots into a preserving pan ora large, wide-based pan (the wider andmore open the pan, the faster the jamwill be ready, so a preserving pan isideal).

2. Add the lemon juice and placeover a gentle heat. Once any last bits ofsugar have melted, turn up the heat andboil for 15 mins. Turn off the heat andspoon a little hot syrupy jam onto thecold saucer. Once cool, push the jam withyour finger. If it wrinkles a little, it’s readyand has reached setting point. If it is toorunny to wrinkle, return the pan tothe heat and boil in stages of 2-3 mins,removing the pan from the heat eachtime you do the saucer check, untilthe jam wrinkles.Skim the surface, then stir in theorange blossom and knobs of butter,if you like – this will help to dissolveany remaining scum. Leave the jam for15 mins before ladling into sterilised jars(see tip, below) – this allows the fruit tosettle so it doesn’t sink to the bottom.Will keep in the fridge for 6 weeks.

Nutrition Information:


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