Beet & caramelised onion tart

Need a lacto ovo vegetarian hor d'oeuvre? Beet & caramelised onion tart could be a super recipe to try. For 81 cents per serving, this recipe covers 18% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. One portion of this dish contains around 11g of protein, 19g of fat, and a total of 388 calories. This recipe serves 6. This recipe is liked by 256 foodies and cooks. Head to the store and pick up beetroot, milk, wholemeal rye flour, and a few other things to make it today. It is brought to you by BBC Good Food. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 1 hour and 20 minutes. Overall, this recipe earns a good spoonacular score of 69%. Try Caramelised Onion Tart, Caramelised Onion Tart, and Caramelised onion & bacon tart for similar recipes.

Servings: 6

Preparation duration: 20 minutes

Cooking duration: 60 minutes



3 medium beetroot, peeled and grated

100g butter

100g grated carrots

3 medium eggs

250ml milk (either cow's, goat's or oat milk)

100g porridge oats

3 large onions, sliced

175g wholemeal flour


food processor



Cooking instruction summary:

Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.Pulse the flour, oats and butter ina food processor until crumb-like,add the grated carrot and continueto process until the mixture comestogether to form a ball. Alternativelyrub the butter into the dry ingredients,add the carrots and press togetheruntil a ball is formed. Carefully rollout the pastry and line a metal 25cmpizza dish or shallow tart case. Chill.Gently cook the onions in oil forabout 15-20 mins until beginning tocaramelise. Place the beetroot inthe pastry case and cover with theonions. Whisk the eggs and milktogether, season and pour over theonions and beetroot. Bake in theoven, lowering to 160C/140C fan/gas 3 after 15 mins, for 40 mins oruntil firm and golden.


Step by step:

1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.Pulse the flour, oats and butter ina food processor until crumb-like,add the grated carrot and continueto process until the mixture comestogether to form a ball. Alternativelyrub the butter into the dry ingredients,add the carrots and press togetheruntil a ball is formed. Carefully rollout the pastry and line a metal 25cmpizza dish or shallow tart case. Chill.Gently cook the onions in oil forabout 15-20 mins until beginning tocaramelise.

2. Place the beetroot inthe pastry case and cover with theonions.

3. Whisk the eggs and milktogether, season and pour over theonions and beetroot.

4. Bake in theoven, lowering to 160C/140C fan/gas 3 after 15 mins, for 40 mins oruntil firm and golden.

Nutrition Information:


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Food Trivia

Coconut water can be used (in emergencies) as a substitute for blood plasma.

Food Joke

How rich is rich? The story is told that Lord Rothschild and Sir Isaac Wolfson met one day in the City. During a pleasant conversation, they decided to treat themselves each to a new Rolls Royce and so they took a taxi to the nearest RR showroom. When they got there, they both fell in love with the same pale blue Rolls Royce Ecstasy on display. But there was only one of these cars in the showroom. The sales manager heard what was going on and said to the two famous millionaires, “It’s not a problem, gentlemen. If you both want one, I can get another pale blue Ecstasy from our other branch here within 45 minutes.” “OK,” said Lord Rothschild, “get it. In the meantime, we’re going for a coffee.” When they returned to the showroom, there stood two beautiful, gleaming, pale blue Rolls Royce Ecstasy saloons. Sir Isaac took out his chequebook but before he could open it, Lord Rothschild waved it away and said, “I wouldn’t hear of it, my dear fellow. These are on me – you paid for the coffees.

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