Turkey Burgers
Worcestershire sauce is made from dissolved fish.
Beans have historically been a symbol of the embryo and of growth in most societies. The ancient Egyptians called the place in which the, the souls of the dead awaited reincarnation 'the bean field.'
Peanuts are not nuts. They are legumes.
Casu Marzu is a cheese found in Sardinia that is purposely infested with maggots.
Central Appalachia's tooth decay problem is referred to as Mountain Dew mouth, due to the beverage's popularity in the region.
There are more than 7,000 varieties of apples grown in the world.
Square watermelons sell for about $85.
To make jelly beans shiny, shellac is used, which is made from Kerria lacca insect excretions.
Before 1991 Twix Bars were internationally knows as ‘Raider’.
Cornflakes have more genes than people do.
Coconut water can be used as blood plasma.
Octopuses are eaten alive in Korea.
Ranch dressing contains titanium dioxide, which is used to make it appear whiter. The same ingredient is used in sunscreen and paint for the same effect.
How you serve food and drink matters in the perception of taste. Hot chocolate tastes better in orange cups, scientists found.
The average hot dog is consumed in 6 bites.
Onion is Latin for large pearl. A basket of onions was considered a respectable funeral offering in ancient Egypt, second only to a basket of bread. Onions, with their circular layers, represented eternity and were found in the eyes of King Ramses IV who died in 1160 B.C.
The tea bag was introduced in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan of New York.
The potentially fatal brain mushroom is considered a delicacy in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and the upper Great Lakes region of North America.
Many mass-produced ice creams have seaweed in them.
The Bourbon biscuit was introduced in 1910 originally under the name Creola.