Oaty fish & prawn gratins

You can never have too many side dish recipes, so give Oaty fish & prawn gratins a try. One portion of this dish contains around 48g of protein, 7g of fat, and a total of 493 calories. This recipe serves 2. For $6.51 per serving, this recipe covers 54% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. It is a good option if you're following a pescatarian diet. Many people made this recipe, and 277 would say it hit the spot. Head to the store and pick up baby spinach, oats, parmesan, and a few other things to make it today. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 40 minutes. It is brought to you by BBC Good Food. With a spoonacular score of 99%, this dish is super. If you like this recipe, you might also like recipes such as Fish and Prawn Pies, Oaty Muffins, and Oaty Banana Muffins.

Servings: 2

Preparation duration: 12 minutes

Cooking duration: 28 minutes



340g bag baby spinach, roughly chopped

small bunch basil, shredded

2 tbsp breadcrumbs

400g can chopped tomatoes with garlic and herbs

225g sustainable white fish fillets, chopped into large chunks

2 tbsp oats

2 tbsp finely grated parmesan

100g cooked and peeled prawns

170g broccoli, boiled or steamed, to serve


frying pan


Cooking instruction summary:

Put the spinach in a large colanderand pour over boiling water. Once coolenough to handle, squeeze out anyexcess water, then season.Tip the tomatoes into a frying pan withsome seasoning and simmer for 5 minsto thicken. Add the fish and heat for1-2 mins – it doesn’t need to be fullycooked at this point. Stir in the basil.Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7.Divide the spinach, fish, prawns andtomato sauce between 2 gratin dishes.Mix the Parmesan, breadcrumbs andoats together and sprinkle over the top.Bake for 20 mins until golden andbubbling. Serve with cooked broccoli.


Step by step:

1. Put the spinach in a large colanderand pour over boiling water. Once coolenough to handle, squeeze out anyexcess water, then season.Tip the tomatoes into a frying pan withsome seasoning and simmer for 5 minsto thicken.

2. Add the fish and heat for1-2 mins – it doesn’t need to be fullycooked at this point. Stir in the basil.

3. Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7.Divide the spinach, fish, prawns andtomato sauce between 2 gratin dishes.

4. Mix the Parmesan, breadcrumbs andoats together and sprinkle over the top.

5. Bake for 20 mins until golden andbubbling.

6. Serve with cooked broccoli.

Nutrition Information:


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Food Trivia

There is an amusement park in Tokyo that offers Raw Horse Flesh-flavored ice cream.

Food Joke

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